In 2021 I set out to return to reading more. Looking at my stats in Apple Books I managed to get through a decent library of books - both fiction and non-fiction - but there were three standout titles.

Each of these have had the most meaningful impact on me in 2021, arming me with systems to cut through the noise and root out what is truly important every day. I would highly recommend them all, but if I had to choose just one it would have to be Essentialism by Greg McKeown (partly because off the back of it you would be compelled to read the follow-up book Effortless!).

I’m using this week before returning to work at Rexlabs to re-read these books (something I almost never do) and set myself up for a productive and meaningful 2022.

What about everyone else? What’s on your list of must-reads for 2022 (and what will you be carrying over from 2021)? Let me know via email.