Monday, 14 October 2024
I’ve been going back and forth over what I want my online presence (i.e. this website) to be.
First, it was a blog, with regularly posted content with no real consistent theme. Then I wanted to break out of the constraints of having to post linearly by creating a digital garden, at which point I missed having the ability to surface content temporally (i.e. it was relevant at a specific point in time).
I'm still not 100% there, and suspect I'm going to end up with a hybrid of both, but for now I'm back to a simple blog.
For a short while I experimented with using Obsidian and Obsidian Publish to create a digital garden - I found it to be a pretty effective publishing flow and will certainly circle back to that once I have a better idea of the shape of that content.
Inspired by sites like Daring Fireball, and the personal websites of Freek Van der Herten and Matt Birchler, I also want to be able to easily share interesting links, especially when they are the jumping-off point for something I want to say.
So for now I'm back to using Jigsaw and Netlify to create and host a simple static site - one day I'll take some time to change up the underlying publishing layer to detach it from Git pushes. I've also decided to simply archive all of my previous content - some of it may find its way into the digital garden, but for now this is a clean start.