
Everything under the hood of this website.

Updated August 18, 2024

This website is powered by a custom CMS built using Laravel and Filament. You can find it, fork it and use it on Github here.

The font used is Aleo from Bunny Fonts.

What little CSS there is has been written from scratch (no utility frameworks like Tailwind CSS) and compiled from Sass.

I'm making use of a couple of custom Apple Shortcuts - combined with a simple API secured with Laravel Sanctum - to allow quick posting of notes from my phone (or desktop).

Whilst I'm not big on analytics - especially when one of the privacy-sucking megacorps are involved - I am trying out Tinylytics.

It is hosted by DigitalOcean on the smallest Basic Droplet with a regular CPU (512 MB RAM, 1 vCPU and 10 GB SSD). Provisioning and deployments are managed using Laravel Forge.

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