App Defaults

Collection of my default apps used.

Updated September 11, 2024

Type App
Mail Client Apple Mail, Gmail
Mail Server iCloud, HEY, Gmail
Notes Obsidian, Freeform
To-Do Things, Apple Reminders
iPhone Photo Shooting iOS Camera
Photo Management Apple Photos
Calendar Apple Calendar, Google Calendar
Cloud file storage iCloud Drive, Dropbox
RSS Reeder
Contacts Apple Contacts
Browser Safari
Chat WhatsApp
Bookmarks N/A
Read It Later N/A
Word Processing iA Writer
Spreadsheets Numbers
Presentations N/A
Shopping Lists Apple Reminders, Things
Meal Planning N/A
Budgeting and Personal Finance N/A
News N/A
Music Apple Music
Podcasts Apple Podcasts
Password Management 1Password
Weather Apple Weather
Maps Apple Maps
Code Editor VS Code
Text Editor Sublime Text
Terminal with Oh My Zsh

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