
Obsidian Web Clipper


Monday, 23 December 2024

For the past three months I have been using Obsidian exclusively for note-taking and it has been a game changer for me.

I don’t use ‘Read It Later’ apps as most of the content I consume comes from RSS feeds. However I’ve found ‘Read It Later’ behaviour to be the perfect use-case for Obsidian Web Clipper, a powerful first-party extension for Safari1 - more so than Safari’s own ‘Reading List’ functionality.

It enables you to save pages (or parts of pages) directly to Markdown-formatted notes in your Obsidian vault, alongside lots of useful metadata. Since it is just another note, it is synced across all my devices and available offline. It also saves a snapshot of the web page, so if it is updated I still have the original content. I’m excited to try this for the next couple of months to see how it improves my content consumption.

  1. Also available for Chrome and Firefox. 

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