

Updated Saturday, 21 December 2024

This site is powered by a lightweight custom flat-file CMS.

Written using the Laravel PHP framework, it leverages the Sheets package to render Markdown files.

I use iA Writer to author posts and update /slash pages, using the built-in Micropub integration to publish directly to the site. These updates are then periodically pushed back to the GitHub repository.

The whole thing is hosted on a small DigitalOcean Droplet running Ubuntu 24.10 and PHP 8.3. Deploys are manually triggered by SSH-ing onto the server and running a simple deply.sh script.

The site uses Tailwind v3 and the system monospace font. The only Javascript used is Shiki for syntax highlighting of code samples.

Domain is registered through GoDaddy (shudder), with DNS via Cloudflare.