

Updated Monday, 23 December 2024

I subscribe to the RSS feeds for a lot of different blogs. Some I only glance at when updated, some I consistently read every single post - others I can't even remember why I subscribed to them. You can download the (current) full OPML export of my subscriptions here, but below is a curated list of the highlights.

Daring Fireball


John Gruber is one of the leading tech-commentators on the web, with a particular focus on the Apple ecosystem. Occasionally dips into observations of American politics and sport - which I don’t mind at all. Often updates multiple times a day with a healthy mix of links (with commentary) and original articles.

I also listen to Gruber’s own podcast, The Talk Show.



As a remote worker I’m a fiend for an attractive, well-thought-out workspace, and love this weekly dose of inspiration. Of the many websites that feature people’s workstations I feel that this is the best. I enjoy the mix of professions and styles, plus the mini-interview.

I subscribe to the weekly email update, but will often just browse the site. Maybe one day I’ll even be featured (once I’ve got my setup to a level that I’m happy with).



Weekly long-form commentaries on the tech industry - I first became aware of Ben Thompson via Daring Fireball. Thompson and Gruber also publish a twice-weekly 15 minute podcast called Dithering that I am considering subscribing to in 2025.