Week 2024-25

This week was characterised by taking our youngest to hospital on Monday to have four teeth extracted. The dentist decided it was better to put her under a general anaesthetic rather than attempt to do it at the dental surgery to reduce the overall stress - put it was still pretty stressful (as any surgical procedure is).

My daughter took it all in her stride and recovered well.

In an illustration of poor / optimistic planning, I had committed to going into the office the following day for face-to-face meetings, a company all-hands plus an EOFY social event.

The rest of the work week was spent juggling priorities between two different products and entertaining (i.e. intervening whenever arguments started) two kids that are on school-break.

Couch to 5K progress is going well. I've decided to run on alternate days, which means that I am now very slightly ahead on the 9 week schedule as that dictates three runs per week. This means I should be up to running 5km non-stop in another 6 weeks.

I have also started to get back into listening to podcasts while walking - Rich Roll and Climatalist (a new venture from my previous CEO) have been the main ones this week.

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