Today Fig announced that they would be sunsetting their excellent command-line tool later this year, having been acquired by AWS and rolled-into the CodeWhisperer Amazon Q team.

Another example of big-tech acquiring rival (often independent) products to assimilate the talent and IP into their own offerings.

As a developer I spend a lot of time on the command-line every day, and had come to rely on Fig to super-charge my workflows. I loved that it was terminal agnostic - allowing me to give the native macOS Terminal app (and by extension, the terminal inside VS Code) superpowers, without having to install a different terminal (such as iTerm - although that is excellent).

Whilst I am stoked for the Fig team and thankful for all their hard work, it is somewhat bittersweet. I think I’ll be giving CodeWhisperer a miss for now.

Maybe it’s time to give Warp another go.

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