New Package: Domainr API wrapper for PHP

Following on from my little side-project from a couple of days ago I wanted to be able to dynamically check the availability of a given domain. Originally I planned to use the AWS Route53 API as I was already familiar with it, but after a couple of tests with it I found that I would very quickly have my API connection throttled as I approached some very meager rate limits - not ideal if I planned to get the status of domains in batches in scheduled jobs.

After a little research I came across a service called Domainr. Their Developer API is clean and simple and exactly what I was looking for. After a number of dry runs using Guzzle to make API calls I decided to quickly put together a package to wrap Domainr API with some simple syntax, and add some sugar to some of the responses. It still needs a test suite written for it, but is available on Github and Packagist.


The package can be installed using Composer:

composer require theprivateer/domainr


For detailed documentation please visit the Domainr API on Mashape or Domainr API on You will need to subscribe to the Domainr API to get a Mashape API key - there is currently a free plan that allows for 10,000 requests per month, however you will need to enter credit card details to cover any overage.

// autoload
include 'path/to/autoload.php'

$client = new \Privateer\Domainr\Domainr('YOUR_MASHAPE_API_KEY');


$client->search($query, $location = null, $registrar = null, $defaults = null);

The search method allows you to search for domains by keyword, and receive multiple alternatives back from Domainr.


JSON data will be returned:



$client->register($domain, $registrar = null);

This method returns a string, the value of which is the URL to the domain's registrar:





The status method allows you to check domain availability:

$status = $client->status('');

This will return an instance of \Privateer\Domainr\Status. The values of the underlying JSON response will be accessible via the get() method on the Status object:

$status = $client->status('');


// coffee

// undelegated inactive

// inactive

The Status object has a number of utility helpers to further explain the response.

// Available for new registration.

// true

These dynamic properties are derived from the status descriptions in the Domainr API documentation].

The Status object also static method to access these values:

// Available for new registration.

// true

Using with Laravel

I did start to put together a Laravel wrapper with a service provider and facade, but decided not to use it in my application. It can be found on Github and installed using:

composer require theprivateer/laravel-domainr

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