New (but same) website

A day or so ago I launched a new website. It looks exactly the same, but under the hood it uses a custom built CMS leveraging the latest version of Laravel and Filament for the backend admin.

At the moment it is a completely barebones MVP (it even still has the default Filament dashboard panel) but I will be building on it over time.

For the time being I have just done a simple ‘lift and shift’ of the front-end theme I have used for previous iterations of my site, which uses some very minimal hand-written CSS. However I want to swap this out for Tailwind CSS which will lay a solid foundation for future experiments on the site.

I’d like to document this process as a I go - my initial thoughts are a series of screencasts, but I have never done that before (outside of internal documentation for work) so I’m a little uneasy / unsure about that. But would be good to push my comfort zone.

There’s nothing groundbreaking in what I’m doing here, but that’s not really the point. I’m leveraging existing packages and native Laravel / Filament features as much as possible, without the need to write novel code. I’m creating this for myself, and publishing some of the useful things I find along the way may just help somebody else.

If you want to follow along or even use my site to power your own blog, you can find it here.

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