Introducing Household

I've spent a lot of late nights and early mornings over the past month helping my wife launch her new side-project - Household.

Born out of a frustration with how hard it can be to easily keep track of everything that needs doing in a busy house - from housework and maintenance, to bills and events - Household is at its core a highly focussed to-do list aimed at simplifying household organisation. Household is also a community of like-minded individuals, seeking to make 'adulting' a bit easier.

As well as lending a hand with the development side of things I've also been flexing my creative muscles with the branding.

We're very much taking a 'release early, release often' approach so things may be a little rough around the edges as we push on with getting the platform out there and operating in the wild. Watch this space for updates as more and more features come online.

So why not show some love and head on over to Instagram and Facebook, or visit and register for your free account!

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