I broke out my old GoPro Hero 7 for my mountain bike ride a couple mornings ago, and whilst it wasn’t exactly the fastest or most elegant run of some of the trails I caught some reasonable footage from the chest mount.

After playing around with the built-in Story feature of the GoPro app to create a small highlight reel I decided to do my first ever ‘edit’ of the complete run down Carnivore (also known as Carnage), one of the black diamond runs at Bunyaville Conservation Park.

I’m not exactly the next Denis Villeneuve, but with little more than iMovie and a couple random tracks from Epidemic Sound I managed to put together what is, I think, a reasonably successful first attempt.

Was quite an enjoyable process so plan on doing more of these in the future - I’ve learnt a few things about camera position and sound on this video that I hope to apply to my next trip out.